Whether you’re new to NPS or it’s been a long-time KPI, this playbook answers the what, why, when + how so you can get the most out of the metric.

If you’re in customer success, you’ve heard about NPS.

It’s widely referenced, recognized, and for many, is a key KPI.

But, NPS is only a meaningful metric if it’s rolled out right.

And that’s where this playbook comes in. 👆


What NPS actually is
Why you should consider using it (if you’re not already)
→ How to maximize the metric
→ How to calculate your score
When to use an NPS survey
How to create your survey
→ Transactional vs relational NPS surveys
Increasing your NPS
→ The Net Promoter economics

…and much, much more, this playbook’s designed to arm you with the what, why, when + how of NPS so you can make the most of your score - and feedback - and ultimately, deliver the very best experiences for your customers.

Take a peek at the contents: