You know this, we know this; maintaining strong relationships and continuous engagement with your customers is paramount.

However, with thousands of customers, there aren't eough hours in the day to have one-on-one conversations with every individual customer.

You've got to be able to get smart with your data and identify the personas of our customers. You can then create personalized messages based on what your customer's unique needs are. This logic seems simple enough, but in practice, it's on a much bigger scale.

This is where implementing an integrated, multichannel communication strategy becomes critical. Gone are the days when you could rely on solely email or phone calls. You've got to bring them all together.

Customers today expect seamless omnichannel experiences

Because there are now so many ways for customers to get in touch with you, there's never a good reason for a company to lose touch with their customers. Customers have access to all of these channels, it doesn't matter to them whether they start solving an issue via email and finish fixing it in-store. They want the experience to be seamless.

An effective multichannel approach leverages the right mix of channels like email, phone, chat, video conferencing, direct mail and more. This ensures you can engage customers based on their preferences, not yours.

How to choose your communication channels

Choosing your communication channels with your customers is very situational and dependent on your industry, company type, your service offering - whether you just want to talk via email or you have a Slack channel, cell phone, or a combination.

By utilizing data and customer intelligence, you can then tailor your outreach and messaging to different customer personas and journeys. Personalized videos, triggered email campaigns, and other multichannel sequences can be far more impactful than generalized mass blasts.

We've got to be able to get smart with the data and identify the personas of our customers. So that we all need to be creating personalized messages based on what our customers' unique needs are.

How to improve your customer communications | 14 strategies
Strong customer communication isn’t just nice to have – it’s a must for business success. Discover 14 ways to improve your customer communications.

Why is an integrated multichannel communication approach worthwhile?

An integrated multichannel model not only improves the customer experience but also allows customer success teams to efficiently prioritize and automate communication at scale. Companies that master this will see higher customer satisfaction, retention, and growth.

Unfortunately, this expectation means needing to share data across multiple channels. And this is where context becomes increasingly's also essential to know where the conversations occurred. Was it in a live chat or on the phone? Knowing this gives you insight into how the customer prefers to be communicated with.

Don't let fragmented, inconsistent communication undermine your customer relationships. By deploying a cohesive, data-driven, multichannel engagement strategy, you can deliver amazing experiences that drive lasting value.

Drive customer engagement through effective communications
My name is Lawrence Ang, and I work with the customer success team at The Financial Times. In this article, I’ll be focusing on customer communications and engagement. Obviously, I’m basing this very heavily on my own experiences, but there are certainly variations for different people.

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