Customer Success IQ | Take the test

What's your...
customer success IQ?
We’re not reinventing the wheel when we say that customer success is multi-faceted. From onboarding and ensuring adoption to engaging and monitoring your customers, all the way to growing those accounts… there’s a lot involved. But where do you stand?

Let us know your experience and involvement in developing and owning these key CS pillars, and we’ll give you your customer success IQ.

Use your results as a strategic benchmark framework for sustainable success. Lean in on your strengths and identify opportunities for professional growth.
Complete the test and you'll get:
  • The low down of where you are in your customer success journey and what that really means.
  • A spider graph that maps how you’re currently performing – and how you compare to your peers.
  • A downloadable report and your personal results.
  • A PDF version of the Customer Success Competency Framework to take away and help benchmark your growth.
  • Relevant resources to help you level up fast.

Access the Customer Success Competency Framework
Our Customer Success Competency Framework is a comprehensive guide that outlines the essential skills and capabilities needed to excel in the field of CS, ensuring it reflects the most relevant and valuable perspectives.

This in-depth guide represents insights from CS practitioners across the field. It covers the essential skills to own it in customer success today.

From building a function to onboarding, engaging, monitoring customer health, and growing accounts – it's got you covered!

The core competencies touch on everything you need to define, strategize, prepare, and grow a successful customer success strategy. This will give you the blueprint to evolve a customer-centric program that works.
Where will you sit? 👇
Level: Genius (394-525 points). The customer success role might vary, but you've nailed almost every facet of it. If you're not already in a leadership role, you're surely ready for it.

Level: Leader (263-393 points). You're not just a solid all-rounder; you're someone who knows the ins and outs of your craft and is a true SME. While there might be some experience gaps, you're well and truly on track to achieve great things.

Level: Rising Star (132-262 points). Your foot's firmly in the CS door, and you're displaying all the right signs of a prosperous career in customer success. With the right help and guidance, you'll scale the career ladder in no time.

Level: Newcomer (0-131 points). Welcome to the wonderful world of customer success. While you might still be learning the ropes, you're right where you need to be. Continue investing in your professional development, and you'll be a rising star before you know it.