Nominations for this survey are now closed.

Your customer’s journey can begin and end with onboarding. That’s why we’re taking an investigative look at the #1 process for driving revenue and impacting customer relationships. But before we do, we need to hear from you. 📣

It only takes 5 minutes to complete our survey and to sweeten the deal, we’ll give you an exclusive customer onboarding template at the end. 💌

Be a part of one of the leading research studies in customer success. By completing this survey, you’ll enrich our findings and co-create a report geared around the most central process in the customer journey.

We're giving out a free exclusive customer onboarding template as a "thank you." That’s right, on the house. (These are normally reserved for our paid members.)

All you have to do to get your hands on this juicy resource is take part in our survey. 🤝

Why should you take part in this survey?

Don't you want to put your stamp on the CS function? The payoff will be worthwhile. Not only will we feature the best answers in our report with a headshot and link to your LinkedIn profile. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

When you complete the survey, you'll receive a free exclusive onboarding template from our membership plan.

Help us create an industry-leading research study on the process that quite literally makes or breaks a customer relationship and your organization’s bottom line.

Why are we creating this new report?

Onboarding your customers isn’t just a case of sending a couple of welcome emails. It isn't just a tick-box introduction. It’s the bread and butter of any customer success professional.

Created in partnership with GUIDEcx, we want to create a crystal clear picture of the vital work and processes involved in onboarding customers in 2023.

Harris Clarke, Chief Operating Officer (COO) at GUIDEcx:

“Onboarding is the first impression that starts the path toward a successful partnership or failed partnership. The impact of this phase of work on the long-term relationship cannot be overstated.”

What you can expect in this customer onboarding survey

We’re going to ask all the important questions to form our study, not limited to:

🎯 The operational aspects of customer onboarding

🎯 Best customer onboarding strategies

🎯 The type of tech required for customer onboarding

🎯 How CSMs are measuring the success of their onboarding process

This study going to be one of the most in-depth investigations into the bedrock of customer success, who doesn’t want to be a part of that? 😉