In the competitive landscape of software deals, customers are no longer satisfied with simply buying a product.

They expect a comprehensive solution that not only meets their current needs but also provides long-term roadmaps that suits their ever-changing complex needs to compete with their competitors. The customers are also thinking of ongoing support to ensure their success.

One approach that is gaining traction is the embedding of training and services within software deals.

In this article, I will share the advantages that I see from the customers that I deal with of embedding training and services in their engagement with different vendors, and how it enhances value-based customer engagement and fosters long-term success.

Here are the advantages of embedding training and services when buying products that we’ll get into in more detail:

Let’s get straight to it.

Comprehensive onboarding and adoption support

When you embed training and services, customers are not only given the tools they need but they’re also empowered with comprehensive onboarding and adoption support.

The reality is that, when customers invest in software, they’re not simply purchasing a tool, they’re changing the way they operate entirely. As such, they expect a smooth transition from implementation to actual utilization. This is a process that involves more than just learning how to use new software; it means a change in processes, possible restructuring of teams, and even a shift in the company culture to align with the new system.

Training and services integrated within the software deal go beyond mere product usage tutorials. They offer a strategic approach to onboarding, equipping users with the necessary skills and knowledge to make the most of the software's features and capabilities.

Training can be catered to different user groups within the organization, addressing their specific needs and roles. This training helps users understand how the software fits into their daily tasks, thereby increasing their efficiency and productivity.

The embedded services provide an added level of support during the initial stages of adoption. This support can be in the form of technical assistance, best practice advice, or even change management strategies to help smooth the transition.

Having such services to start with each adoption not only enables a faster learning curve but also accelerates user adoption, which in turn reduces the time it takes for the organization to realize the software's value.

Customers benefit from a seamless onboarding process that maximizes their investment and increases user confidence.

Tailored solutions to drive specific outcomes using services

Customers choose a product based on their immediate needs which most of the time are complex and multifaceted, requiring more than the out-of-the-box software features.

This is where the true power of embedded services comes into play; it opens the door to delivering tailored solutions that drive specific outcomes for customers. The result?  You elevate the relationship from a transactional vendor-client interaction to a partnership built on collaboration and shared success.

Each customer has unique goals, challenges, workflows, and industry norms. These unique factors require a bespoke approach to software utilization, far beyond a one-size-fits-all solution. By including services within software deals, vendors can customize the offering to align with these specific needs.

Whether it's customizing workflows, integrating with existing systems, or providing specialized support, customers receive a solution that directly addresses their pain points and helps them achieve their desired outcomes.

Such an intimate level of customization not only enhances the overall value proposition of the software deal, it also fosters customer satisfaction, leading to increased loyalty and long-term engagement.

The customer no longer views the vendor merely as a software provider, but as a trusted advisor who plays an integral role in their success, driving home the true value of embedded services in software deals.

Continuous skill development and upgrades

In today's fast-paced technology landscape, software is always evolving. New features, functionality, and upgrades are constantly being released, making it necessary for customers to continually stay informed and skilled up. When you include training as part of the software deal, customers are given the tools and resources to develop internal skills and stay up-to-date with the software's latest advancements.

Why is consistent training important?

This constant evolution of software not only enhances its capabilities but also changes the way users interact with it. So continuous training becomes a cornerstone of successful software utilization, ensuring users can navigate through the software confidently and effectively, and fully exploit its potential.

Embedded training offers various formats of learning experiences designed to cater to different learning styles and schedules. It provides ongoing opportunities for skill development, whether through virtual courses, webinars, or self-paced learning resources.

Customers can access these training materials at their convenience, empowering them to continuously enhance their expertise, leverage new functionalities, and unlock the full potential of the software.

By constantly enhancing their expertise, customers are not just learning to use a product, they’re staying on the cutting edge of their industry, unlocking the full potential of the software.

Proactive support and issue resolution

Every new adoption means growing pains for a company, this is the reality in every IT project. Having support from vendors during this critical period is a must to make sure an easier and more timely transition to production. The seamless integration of services within the software ensures that customers receive prompt attention and dedicated resources for issue resolution.

Embedded services within software deals offer customers proactive support and streamlined issue-resolution processes. Vendor services provide direct and specialized support, reducing the need for customers to seek external assistance. Proactive support helps customers overcome obstacles more efficiently, minimizing downtime and optimizing their software experience.

Value-based engagement and long-term partnerships

Value-based engagement is important not only for the customers but also for the vendors.

To foster long-term success and partnerships, it’s important to create a foundation by showing successes from early engagement. This is possible if training and services are embedded to demonstrate their commitment to driving customer value helping them achieve their goals, and continually supporting their journey where vendors become trusted advisors and collaborators in the customer's growth and success.

Rather than focusing solely on the transactional aspect of the deal, vendors prioritize the ongoing success of their customers.

Final thoughts

Maximizing the return on investment as early as possible is every customer's ideal outcome.

Embedded services and training provide comprehensive onboarding, tailored solutions, continuous skill development, proactive support, and value-based engagement, and ensure that customers can derive the maximum value from their software investment.

Customers can achieve their desired outcomes more efficiently, increase productivity, and stay ahead in their industry. The combination of automatically included training amplifies the overall ROI, solidifying the software vendor-customer relationship