What is an OKR grading scale template?

An OKR grading scale template is a framework that helps teams and organizations track progress toward their Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) using a clear, measurable scoring system.

This template provides a structured way to score key results on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, indicating how close they are to being fully achieved.

What’s inside the template?

The OKR grading scale template offers several key components to help you track and score your objectives and key results effectively:

  1. Traditional OKR scoring – A scale from 0.0 to 1.0 measures the progress of each key result, where 1.0 signifies complete success and lower scores indicate varying levels of progress.
  2. Color-coded system – A visual indicator (red, amber, green) helps teams quickly identify which key results are on target, off target, or at risk.
  3. Scoring calculation – Instructions on how to calculate the average weekly score for each key result and how to derive the overall objective score for the month.
  4. Sample structure – Example fields for an objective and its associated key results, along with space to input weekly progress and final scores.

How to use the template

  1. Define key results – Start by clearly outlining your key results. Ensure they are measurable so they can be accurately scored using the 0.0 to 1.0 scale.
  2. Track weekly progress – Input your weekly progress for each key result, scoring performance based on how close you are to achieving the desired result.
  3. Calculate scores – At the end of each month, average the weekly scores for each key result and then calculate the overall objective score by averaging the key result scores.
  4. Visualize performance – Use the color-coded system to easily identify areas where you’re on target (green), off-target (amber), or at risk (red), and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Download your OKR grading scale

OKR grading scale
OKR grading scale

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