Become a mentor

Becoming a mentor is a personal and professional achievement. Becoming a CSC mentor is career-changing.


We don’t take our mentor program lightly. We carefully vet every applicant and only crème de la crème customer success professionals come on board. That’s CV-worthy in itself.

It doesn’t stop there though and there are tonnes of upsides to becoming a product marketing mentor, like:

📈 Help other customer success professionals reach their potential
😇 Give back to the community and leave your own legacy
🤔 Gain fresh perspectives and learn from your protégé
🤝 Level-up your career and forge new, lasting relationships
💵 Earn extra income by doing something you love
💪🏼 Build your own confidence and push your personal boundaries
😄 Be part of something great - the world’s biggest customer success community
🔶 Shape the leaders of tomorrow
👉🏾 Keep your finger on the ever-changing customer success pulse
🕴🏼 Genuinely change and positively impact someone’s career
🏅 Feel good about yourself - helping others is rewarding!

Find out what others think...

“It’s fulfilling to share experiences and insights while also receiving fresh perspectives and ideas in return”
Discover an enriching journey between mentor and mentee, fostered through the Product Marketing Alliance mentorship program.
“The best thing you can do to give back to the community and feel like you belong together”
Two PMM pros, Div Manickam and Aline Bezerra, get into their experiences with PMA’s mentorship and menteeship programs.

Got more questions?

Let us know! If you're keen to join as a mentor, but aren't a member yet, contact the Community Manager here.

I’m sold, where do I sign up?

All you've gotta do is pick your CSC membership plan - our mentor program is available to Pro and Pro+ members: